MicroED Imaging Center Course 2020 UCLA

The Gonen laboratory will hold the 6th MicroED course in 2020. The course will be held on Zoom on December 21, 2020 from 1 PM to 6 PM, eastern standard time. The course is organized by Tamir Gonen (UCLA), Brandon Mercado (Yale), and Brent Nannenga (ASU).

Topics covered

  • Sample preparation methodologies: automated plungers vs. manual plunging and samples in LCP
  • Data collection by EPU-D
  • Camera performance
  • FIB-milling procedures for MicroED
  • Data analysis software, structure solution, and refinement

Note that the 2020 edition of this course is a virtual event!


Registration is now closed.


Time (EST)SpeakerTitle
1:00 PM—1:20 PMTamir Gonen (UCLA)Introduction to MicroED and welcoming notes
1:20 PM—1:40 PMBrent Nannenga (ASU)Sample preparation methodologies
1:40 PM—2:00 PMMike Martynowycz (UCLA)FIB-milling methods for MicroED applications
2:00 PM—2:20 PMBreak
2:20 PM—2:40 PMJohan Hattne (UCLA)Cameras for MicroED
2:40 PM—3:00 PMLingbo Yu (Thermo Fisher/FEI)EPU-D software for MicroED data collection
3:00 PM—3:20 PMMax Clabbers (UCLA)Processing and refinement of MicroED datasets
3:20 PM—3:40 PMBreak
3:40 PM—4:00 PMGuanhong Bu (ASU)MicroED for materials and semiconductors
4:00 PM—4:20 PMSara Weaver (UCLA)MicroED of small molecules and natural products
4:20 PM—4:40 PMMike Martynowycz (UCLA)MicroED of membrane proteins in LCP
4:40 PM—Open virtual discussion